Introducing ‘The Harmonized Healer Care Plan’ For Female Physicians

The Psychiatrist’s 90-Day System To Banish Burnout,Create Harmony, & Find Fulfillment So You CanBe The Best Provider, Parent, & Person You Can Be

What You’ll Experience

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1. Add Open Hours To Your Day

Create confidence and competence to effectively delegate and develop influence, release the guilt that forces you to overwork and overthink, and build protective boundaries that don’t crumble under pressure.

  • Internal conflict (also called “cognitive dissonance”) comes from actions that contradict your principles. We’ll pinpoint where you may be misaligned, then I’ll show you how to intentionally align your priorities with your principles so any internal conflict plaguing you is a thing of the past.

  • Identify and release the 5 ‘“belief biases” intrinsic to the medical culture that push you and pressure you to work longer and harder, so you can live more without working more. (When you release these “biases,” you’ll see you really can create peace and harmony—and you’ll experience a fraction of the worry, anxiety, and stress you do now.)

  • Retrain your brain to confidently say “no”—without an ounce of guilt or shame (so you can say “yes” to your family, your social life, and the other things that matter in your life outside of your career).

  • Establish a new belief system about boundaries and overcome the 3 “boundary blockers” every ambitious healthcare professional faces, so you can finally create firm and effective boundaries you (and your administrators) feel good about.

  • Discover how to create delegation systems and foster independence in your colleagues to optimize team performance, so you can take time back and shrink your plate—without getting behind or worrying about dropping the ball.

2. Chart Your Personalized Path To Fulfillment

I’ll help you find and clarity answers to critical questions that will dramatically and rapidly change your attitude and enhance your happiness—no matter what you’re going through now.

  • Your career in medicine is chaotic–and much of it is out of your control. Dave Anderson, renowned character and leadership expert, stated: “If we control the controllables, everything else will follow.” I’ll help you see (and clarify) what you can and can’t control so you feel in control again.

  • Let’s clarify what you actually want from life–and how to get it without sacrificing your career. This alone has turned things around for dozens of healthcare professionals I’ve personally worked with.

  • We’ll pinpoint precisely what “success” means to you and create “success markers” to aim for, so you feel accomplished, satisfied, and proud—even on your most difficult days.

  • Do you feel successful, but unfulfilled? Or even empty? The great Tony Robbins says, “Success without fulfillment is the ultimate failure.” Let’s shift your mindset and emotions so you can find fulfillment and never feel empty again—without sacrificing your success.

  • Reactivate your “Reticular Activating System” (or RAS) to attract and focus on what you have and what you want in life—and filter out the negativity that comes from searching for or yearning for the wrong things.

3. Create Your Own “Wellspring” Of Physical, Mental, & Emotional Energy

Never feel like you’re running on an “empty tank” again—even if you feel like you’re always “on the run.”

  • Discover proven, psychiatrist-approved stress management practices and routines that release stress in real time. (You can self-leverage many of these practices for the rest of your life to feel a weight lift off of your shoulders any time excessive stress strikes.)

  • A study published by the American Medical Association linked extreme cases of sleep deprivation to a 97% increase in medical errors. I’ll show you how to quell distracting thoughts and emotions that disrupt your sleep so you get better sleep, and therefore, feel and perform your best.

  • You spend every day making life-and-death decisions—don’t those decisions drain you? Establish healthy routines and systems to avoid “decision fatigue” (a term coined by the great Dr. Roy F. Baumeister) associated with unrest, anxiety, and less-than-ideal results.

  • According to Stanford’s School of Medicine, mental fatigue in healthcare workers is linked to a 38% higher incidence of harmful medical errors. I’ll help you pinpoint, resist, and release mental fatigue to minimize critical errors and mistakes, and to give your brain a boost when exhaustion strikes.

  • Discover proven and practical strategies and solutions to alleviate self-inflicted pressure, avoid and end burnout, and overcome overwhelm. (As you know, self-help gurus pandering to the general population don’t understand your unique pressures and needs the way I do.)

4. Find Lasting Relief For The Unique Pressures You Face

Get private and professional support to address and end “silent suffering” of any kind.

  • Any psychiatrist will tell you that rationalizing, repressing, or ignoring unpleasant feelings only leads to increased suffering. Discover how to effectively acknowledge, address, and overcome difficult emotions to stave off tension and pressure.

  • How to identify the signs, symptoms, and “stress triggers” that create mental and emotional suffering–and uncover physician-friendly steps to solve your suffering in a sustainable way. (This is how I and others in similarly stressful careers effectively ease stress, anxiety, and overwhelm in almost any situation.)

  • Discover science-backed ways to reclaim the happiness and joy you used to have, address moments of acute sadness, and halt the descent so you can truly live your oath and love your life.

  • Discover critical coping strategies that can create peace, calm, and clarity even in extreme chaos, so you stay composed and collected.

  • Let’s assess your mental and emotional health–and pinpoint the most effective, guilt-free ways for you to address your stressors at the clinic and at home.

5. Reconnect With Your Passion, Your Patients, & The People Who Matter

Improve every outcome (including yours).

  • Do you ever feel alone? Studies have shown loneliness is a bigger health risk than smoking or obesity. That’s why I’ll show you the best ways to effectively communicate and connect with those around you–whether at work or at home–even if you’ve been taught and trained to “disconnect.”

  • It’s been proven that better doctor/patient relationships actually improve patient outcomes. Take practical, effective steps to rebuild and bolster your connection with every patient to give better care (and feel better about the care you give).

  • Have you ever thought about quitting? Let me help you rediscover your passion and purpose for medicine again so you can be the provider you always wanted to be.

  • We’re biologically programmed to desire–and even physiologically need–connection with others. I’ll guide you through the same protocol I’ve shared with family-first physicians (just like you) to help you rejuvenate and repair your relationships with the people who matter most to you.

  • Discover simple and effective techniques to acknowledge, accept, and overcome negative thoughts and emotions. Plus, I’ll guide you through “mindfulness” therapy proven to help alleviate (and even overcome) common signs and symptoms of depression.

Everything Is Tailored To You

Remember, this is the only comprehensive support program led by an experienced psychiatrist tailored to address the internal struggles female healthcare professionals face daily as a result of the external stressors caused by a career in healthcare.

If you want private and professional support tailored to your needs and proven to help you be the best person, parent, and provider you can be, then this is for you. 

When You Enroll Today
for 1-1 Coaching & Group!

  • The 90-Day Virtual ‘Harmonized Healer Care Plan’ ($5,000 Value) (8) 1:1 Mile stone Calls

  • Personalized Sessions Every 1-2 Weeks ($5,000 Value)

  • The Clarity Call

  • The Boundary Builder Call 

  • The Create Your Wellspring Call

  • The Finding Your Voice Call

  • The Connection Call 

  • The Step Into Your Dream Call

  • (10) Community Milestone Calls—Confidential Sessions With Colleagues In The Program ($3,000 Value)

  • Mental & Emotional Reset Strategy (Value $100 )

  • Psychiatry-Based Stress Management System For Doctors (Value $200 )

  • The Create Your Wellspring Assessment (Value $100 )

  • The Stress Scale (Value $TK)

  • The Rested Doctor Checklist (Value $100)

  • The Ideal Practice Planner Worksheet (Value $250)

  • The Harmonizing Your Dream Life Planner (Value $250)

  • The Harmonized Relationship Roadmap (Value $250)

  • The Spark Your Dreams Planner ($250 Value) 

  • Private, Members-Only Support Group ($1000 Value)

Get $13,7500 Of Support For As Little As $1750

Pay In Full: $5,000

Payment Plan: 3 Payments Of $1750

Your Success Is Guaranteed

I guarantee you’ll feel more fulfilled, calm, and in control of your career, emotions, and thoughts in just 90 days. If for any reason you feel that’s not the case after diligently following the system for the full 90 days, I’ll personally keep working with you one-on-one (for as long as you need and at no cost to you) until you experience these dramatic breakthroughs. Remember, I’m here to guide you—not sell you. 

Limited Spots Available & Price Subject To Increase

Enroll now to get instant access at my best price. If you have any questions prior to enrolling, you can email me directly at Please put “Harmonized Healer” in the subject line to ensure a timely response. 

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